How Do Modern Sash Windows Save Money?

Sash windows have been a popular staple in homes across the UK for centuries. Traditional sash windows have timber frames and open by sliding vertically on top of each other. These classic windows have a sophisticated and elegant appearance, but older designs can often suffer from weather damage and other issues. Modern sash windows make it possible for homeowners today to enjoy an authentic aesthetic and save money at the same time. 


At Sashes of Surrey, we provide homeowners across Surrey with the luxurious Rose Collection. These market-leading sash windows are made from high quality uPVC and offer the perfect blend of classic style and modern performance. If you are interested in how sash windows can save you money, keep reading to hear all the facts from our window experts.


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Double Glazing 


Back in the Georgian era, when sash windows were first used in UK architecture, the timber frames featured a single pane of glazing. While this thin glass created a barrier between indoor and outdoor spaces, it was unable to offer effective heat loss prevention. Today, sash windows are built with double or triple glazing and work to keep homes at a comfortable temperature throughout every season. 


The Heritage, Charisma, and Ultimate Rose windows are all highly energy efficient and can help homeowners stay warm and reduce their need for expensive central heating. Thanks to their authentic appearance, the windows in the Rose Collection are the perfect replacement for underperforming, single glazed sash windows.

Research shows that around 18% of a home’s heat is lost through its windows, and single glazing allows heat loss to occur twice as quickly as double glazing. By switching to double glazed sash windows, homeowners will benefit from a warmer home and reduced energy bills.


 double glazed upvc charisma rose


Energy Efficient Frames


It is not only a window’s glazing that allows heat to escape and cold air to make its way inside. The frames play an important part too. Classic sash windows were built with timber frames, and while wood is a natural insulator, it can lose its energy efficiency over time. If your home still has original timber sash windows installed, you are unlikely to be receiving maximum thermal performance. 


Upgrading classic sash windows to modern frames can save you money on heating bills, thanks to the insulated uPVC frames. Designed to trap pockets of warm air, the energy efficient frames will keep homes warmer for longer and prevent expensive heat loss.

Weather Resistant


Traditional timber sash windows have a sophisticated and vintage appearance, but these outdated profiles are ill equipped to stand the tests of time. Wooden windows that are hundreds of years old often show signs of weather damage and deterioration. If the original timber frames were not correctly protected against moisture, rainwater and snow over the years can cause dry rot to develop. Restoring rotten timber window frames can cost hundreds of pounds, and a full replacement can be even more expensive. 


Modern sash windows can save you money on repairs as the durable uPVC frames can withstand all weather conditions. The high grade materials used in modern windows are designed to keep damp, rot and other weather related damage at bay. With frames that are built to last, you will not need to pay restoration companies to save your frames.


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Low Maintenance


Keeping modern sash windows in top condition is a cheap and easy process. uPVC is a low maintenance material and can be kept clean with an occasional wipe down with a damp cloth. Sash windows made with uPVC will not warp or twist over time, they are built to last for several decades. 


While water damage can cause timber window frames to crack and flake, modern painting methods ensure uPVC frames keep their flawless appearance for many years to come. Homeowners with painted timber sash windows will have to pay to touch up the colour every 5 years or so. Over the years, paint costs can add up, and the price will be even higher if you hire a professional to get the job done. 


Thanks to modern manufacturing methods, uPVC sash window frames will stay looking their best for decades. The Rose Collection sash windows come in a wide variety of frame colours. You can be confident that these modern sash windows will not fade due to sun exposure, and there is no risk of the colour flaking away over time.


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Upgrade Your Home With Sashes of Surrey!


At Sashes of Surrey, we install a range of high quality sash windows in Surrey and the surrounding areas. We are proud to bring homeowners the complete Rose Collection and provide cost-effective sash windows to properties of all ages. Invest in a modern sash window installation and save money on maintenance, repairs and heating costs. 


To learn more about our sash window range, contact our team by calling 01252 931422 or filling out our online contact form.

Categories: Sashes Of Surrey